Life insurance is Critical in the Run up to TCJA Sunset in 2026

Life insurance is Critical in the Run up to TCJA Sunset in 2026

The sunset of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2026 may have a significant impact on estate taxes, particularly for individuals with sizable estates. Here’s how the sunset may affect estate taxes and why life insurance is a critical tool in planning for this...
Medical Malpractice Insurance for Nurse Practitioners in Michigan

Medical Malpractice Insurance for Nurse Practitioners in Michigan

Nurse practitioners, like other medical professionals, play an important role when it comes to patient care. However, even with the best intentions and utmost diligence, the risk of medical malpractice claims remains a reality. That’s where medical malpractice...
Insurance Considerations for Parents with College Students

Insurance Considerations for Parents with College Students

Insurance coverage is crucial for college students and their parents in Michigan, as it provides financial protection against unexpected events. Accidents, illnesses, and property damage can result in substantial out-of-pocket expenses, which can be particularly...
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