House Insurance & Buying a New Home

House Insurance & Buying a New Home

Planning to buy a new home? You will need to purchase a house insurance policy prior to closing. Selecting the right homeowners insurance with the correct coverage is one of the most important decisions you will make for your new home. E & Y is an independent...
Still Not Certain About This Online Shopping Thing?

Still Not Certain About This Online Shopping Thing?

Tips that might make you feel more secure about online shopping If you haven’t yet do any online shopping, or if you have, but did so with reservation, you are not alone. Many like the convenience that online shopping affords them, but when asked they admit to...
House Insurance & Buying a New Home

Simple Tasks that Protect Your House and Keep Money in Your Pocket

Take advantage of the cold winter weather to stay productive in your house Now that the holidays are behind us, many of us who live in colder climates, like Michigan and surrounding states, are likely suffering from post-holiday let-down. With limited sunlight and...
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