Same Day Service. High Quality Tax Preparation & Returns.

Same Day Service. High Quality Tax Preparation & Returns.

Don’t confuse while you wait tax preparation with low-quality work. Our tax team at E&Y can prepare high quality tax returns the same day as meeting with you because we have the experience to know exactly what is required and how to maximize your return for you....
Protect Your Michigan-Based Home Business

Protect Your Michigan-Based Home Business

The 5 most common policies for small business owners to investigate Many people think that their general home insurance policy will cover their small home-based business as well, but in most instances, they would be wrong. Don’t get caught unaware; it could cost you...
How These 6 Life Changes Might Impact Your Taxes

How These 6 Life Changes Might Impact Your Taxes

Learn something that 1 in 5 Americans don’t already know The decisions you make in your life or the events that happen, good or bad, don’t just affect your personal life, they may impact your taxes as well. According to a recent survey by H&R Block, more than one...
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