The Impact of Education Costs on Your Taxes

The Impact of Education Costs on Your Taxes

Students across the country are heading back to school this month. The payment of tuition fees, organizing student loans and other education-related expenses always draws out many questions about what education costs will result in credits or tax deductions for...
The Role of Tax Shelters in Reducing Your Taxes

The Role of Tax Shelters in Reducing Your Taxes

You’ve probably heard the words ‘tax shelter’ at some point, in the context of wealthy people trying to reduce the amount of taxes they need to pay. Sometimes there is a negative connotation implied, as if the practice is illegal or immoral. In...
3 Reasons To Always Get a Home Inspection

3 Reasons To Always Get a Home Inspection

Home inspections are an important part of the home buying process. Even though, in a competitive seller’s market, there may be pressure to make an offer without conditions. However, a home inspection is an inexpensive way to discover information about your home...
Are Your Driving Skills Rusty?

Are Your Driving Skills Rusty?

It’s a good bet that you haven’t spent as much time in your car over the past few months as you used to. While you probably don’t expect this to have an impact on your ability to drive, it turns out that it might. According to a survey conducted in...
Can You Justify the Cost of Business Insurance?

Can You Justify the Cost of Business Insurance?

When business slows, and you start looking for ways to cut costs, it may be tempting to rethink the cost of business insurance coverage to help trim the fat. But, reducing your overall insurance coverage and putting your business at risk is not the only option you...
Truck Insurance – 7 Terms You Should Know

Truck Insurance – 7 Terms You Should Know

Like your rig, truck insurance has a lot of moving parts that you need to understand to ensure that you are fully protected against downtime and loss. We have extensive experience with the transportation industry, and we know that trucking insurance can be confusing...
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