What Are The Consequences Of Filing Your Tax Return Late?

While most of us appreciated the few extra days we gained from the later tax filing deadline of April 18th this year, others could still use more time to file their 2015 tax returns. If you’ve found yourself filing late this year and are due a refund, then you...

Can I Pay My Taxes In Monthly Installments?

If you’ve been surprised to learn that you owe the government taxes and are wondering how you will accumulate enough money to pay by the deadline, don’t panic quite yet. You might be relieved to learn that the IRS does allow taxpayers to pay their taxes in monthly...

Common Property Tax Questions & Answers Detroit MI

When you purchase a home, you quickly learn the various aspects regarding homeownership in Detroit. The legal, taxation, and general homeowner information can be overwhelming, especially for first-time homebuyers. Here, in an easy-to-understand format are a few...

Tips for Choosing A Tax Preparation Service Detroit MI

As tax day quickly closes in, many individuals are finding that they are not quite as prepared as they expected they’d be to complete their own tax return. Some individuals learn that tax-related changes during the previous year generated a complicated return...

Do You Know About These Common Tax Exemptions?

If you’re wondering if you might be able to put some extra money in your pocket from your tax return this year, we have good news for you. You may be able to claim one or more of these common tax exemptions on your return. While these are considered some of the more...

Know The Rules For Claiming A Dependent On Your Tax Return

Did you know that claiming dependents is the one item on your tax return that can potentially save you thousands of dollars? Claiming a dependent can sometimes even be the determining factor of whether a taxpayer is due a refund, or if money is owed. Because this one...
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