Many of our newest clients at E&Y Tax Preparation Services often come to us with the same perceptions and questions. In order to help you stay more aware and on top of your taxes this year, we’ve put together a list of the most common myths that we feel should be...
Believe it or not, E&Y Tax Preparation Services deals with more tax identity theft than you would imagine. Thousands of Metro Detroiters are subject to tax identity fraud every year, and we want to offer some solutions if you feel you’ve been targeted. Many people...
April 15th is almost here, whether you’re willing to accept it or not. The idea of completing your taxes may be overwhelming to you now, but E&Y Tax Preparation Services is here to help! After you set up an appointment with us to complete your taxes for this year,...
Many of us in Michigan grew up watching our families warm up the car by idling it in the driveway. The amount of time you’d have to spend being cold was limited between the house and the car, and you’d be on your way in a nice toasty seat. However, new studies have...
Many people are quick to remember that preparing for winter means getting your home in working order, especially with the exterior of your home. After all, the goal is to make your base structurally sound enough to keep the heat in and the cold air out. However, have...
All business are susceptible to morale issues at some point or another, but small businesses often feel the effects of low energy faster than larger corporations. Keep your energy and positivity up in the workplace this holiday season, with a few ways to acknowledge...