Car insurance may sometimes seem like an unwelcome expense, but its purpose is a good one. It can shield you from financial loss related to a traffic accident, auto theft, natural disaster or some other event. Your car insurance coverage should not cost you an arm and a leg either. At E & Y Insurance Agency, we take great pride in assisting Troy, Michigan residents obtain affordable car insurance for their driving needs. How far do you drive daily? Do you drive a commercial vehicle? What is the year, make and model of your vehicle? Have you had any accidents? Every person is different in their driving habits, and our agents can find you the right policies.
Click here and fill out the form to get a quote for the insurance product you require!
Why choose E & Y Insurance Agency for your car insurance?
E & Y is an independent insurance agency that represents a carefully selected group of financially strong and reputable insurance companies. There are so many television ads and websites promising to save you 100’s of dollars. The challenge is to figure out which ones are offering you true discounts, and which are offering you less coverage for less money. And in the end, will you have the coverage you need? We do not work for an insurance company. We work for you. Our commitment is to you, the client, and that’s where our loyalty remains. That is the true nature of a good independent insurance agency and a broker with the clients best interest in mind.
Our insurance products include:
Some information that you will need to provide your E & Y Insurance Agency Broker includes:
Proudly providing insurance products to residents in areas like: Rochester, Troy, Saginaw, Flint, Rochester Hills, Birmingham, Auburn Hills, Stirling Heights, Pontiac or Royal Oaks, and many more!
For all of your insurance and tax preparation needs, E & Y Insurance Agency is here to help! Call us at 248-671-6860 or fill out our contact form to find out how you can find the best tax preparation service for your business.