Should I Hire a Tax Preparation Firm in Michigan?
A tax preparation specialist is a professional that is qualified to calculate, file and sign income tax returns on behalf of individuals and businesses. They can also represent the taxpayer during IRS examinations of tax returns. Are you a small business owner? Are you looking to do your personal income tax filing? At E & Y Insurance Agency, don’t let our name fool you, we do much more than just insurance. Our tax preparation professionals can assist you with getting your taxes filed properly, quickly, and most of all, accurately! We service residents from all over Michigan in areas like: Troy, Rochester Hills, Saginaw, Birmingham, Pontiac, Royal Oaks, Flint, Sterling Heights, Auburn Hills, and many more! If you are wondering if you should hire a tax preparation firm in Troy, Michigan, then keep reading this article.
Why would you need a tax preparation firm?
People and companies have to file tax returns every year. There are various types of tax preparation specialists, along with various levels of experience and appropriateness to an individual’s personal tax situation. A tax preparation specialist can help you obtain all the tax write-offs and credits that you qualify for, and as a small business owner especially, it is always beneficial to get money back at years end.
A tax preparation firm, like E & Y Insurance Agency, can also help individuals file their personal income taxes. We understand that the tax system can be difficult to navigate, and it can be relatively easy to miss something on your tax return. It is for this reason that our clients have sought us out. We complete your tax returns accurately, quickly, and with the most money back in your pocket!
Michigan residents looking to hire a tax preparation firm can take advantage of:
- Personalized one-on-one tax service
- Personal income tax completed while you wait
- Guaranteed accuracy on your tax returns
- Free E-file of federal and State tax returns
- Low tax return rates
- Servicing individuals and small business owners
We don’t just provide a number of insurance products like car insurance, homeowners insurance, and commercial insurance etc. We can be your tax preparation specialists also!
For all of your insurance and tax preparation needs, E & Y Insurance Agency is here to help! Call us at 248-671-6860 or fill out our contact form to find out how you can find the best tax preparation service for your business.